دليل المعلم اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الأول الفصل الثاني الإمارات
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دليل المعلم – اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الأول الفصل الثاني PDF الامارات
لتحميل دليل المعلم اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الأول الفصل الدراسي الثاني PDF يرجى الضغط على الزر الأزرق أسفل صورة غلاف الكتاب.
مقدمة دليل المعلم اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الأول الفصل الثاني:
Introduction to The UAE Phonics Programme
As educators, we must ensure that no learner is left behind and so it is important to assist them to acquire basic literacy skills so that they have every opportunity to succeed.
Sometimes learners are pushed through the phonic learning phase too quickly. Some take longer than others to learn individual sounds and they become confused with letter names and sounds. Some have difficulties blending sounds or realising that they produce a word when they blend sounds together. Learners will progress at their own pace through each of these methods and teachers have to be prepared to do lots of revision and encouraging. A difficulty for many learners with emerging literacy skills is that the pace of teaching moves too quickly for them, they move on to new skills before emerging skills have been consolidated and developed to the point of automaticity.
Automaticity in reading is the ability to read without occupying the mind with the low- level details such as sounding out, so that it becomes an automatic response pattern.
This is typically achieved as the result of learning, repetition and practice. Teachers need to ensure that learners reach a point of automaticity before moving on to the next steps. This means checking that they have achieved speed and accuracy in the key skill areas. Teachers need to offer learning activities where learners can achieve high levels of success.
For effective reading instruction, the following elements should be part of an effective programme:
- Phonemic awareness and the teaching of phonics
- Decoding and word studies, including High Frequency Words (HFWs)
- Language development, including vocabulary development
- Explicit teaching of comprehension strategies
- Letter formation and basic penmanship skills
The development of fluent reading, by reading and re-reading familiar words and texts Opportunities for both guided and independent reading